The Beauty and Care of Relationships
Relationships can be life changing. Whilst there are many parties involved in it, we have all had some teaching to build us up to this moment. Most of us believe that our relationships are spontaneous but the truth is they are always a work in progress that needs to be tailored and carefully nurtured.Think of it this way. Every day we are creating, we live through the way know best how and the way we love another and how we adapt to one another and different phases within our lives. It’s a given that at various stages in our relationship, emotions will run high at some point. Things will always happen beyond our control and they will be circumstances in which we can’t escape or ignore.You are the creator of your relationships. They should be built upon positive choices. We make these based upon our gestures and our actions for these will ultimately decide our pathways of life and the relationships that are bound by the creation of them. You can always ask for other’s advice but it is ultimately yours to make no one can make it for you.New relationships should be treated as a new changing thing in your life. You are the influencer. You steer the ship in your direction that works and is right for you. Ask yourself what you would like in your relationship? what is the ideal relationship for you? Have this conversation with your partner or friend or whoever it may be and make it an objective to work and get there together. Have a mutual bond with one another.Be creative in your thinking. Practice intertwining your lives together. It is important to move some prioritizations around to ensure that you are there for one another through your everyday lives. Spend time with one another. Relationships can be anything and creative depending on how you the creator make it.