Planet or Profit? Why Social, Economic and Environment Are All The Same Importance
There are many facts regarding the current climate crisis that we all collectively face as a human race. There are also stories and theories from climate change deniers but the evidence suggests we must act now. if we are to avoid an impending chain reaction of devastating events.
We don’t even necessarily need science to tell us that our planet is in a grave situation. We only have to look at what’s going on around the world, year on year in multiple locations, such as forest fires, droughts, and the extinction of millions of species within our lifetime.
As individual states and as collective international coalitions but as most importantly human beings and a species ourselves, we have focussed far too heavily on economic growth and ignored the natural disasters around us.
We have known about these issues for 30-40 years and were warned then but still concentrated on economic growth through the use and sale of fossil fuels. This has been a catastrophic error and we should have switched to renewable energy such as solar and electricity years ago.
Examples of non-natural and sustainable energy resources are coal, gas, fracking, oil.
Examples of clean renewable energy of infinite resources, solar, and electricity.
The Facts
1 in 3 plant and animal species will go extinct within 50 years.
We only have around 7-8 years’ worth of CO2 emissions left before triggering a catastrophic chain of events. We are expected to use this much sooner.
Our planet is heating up beyond the point of no return we must keep it below 2 degrees but we are on course for 3-4 degrees again setting off an irreversible chain of events.
Polar ice caps and arctic climates are melting far too quickly at a rate never seen before in human history, wiping out valuable ecosystems.
We lose an area of natural forest the size of the UK every year, year on year and it is increasing in severity, destroying natural habitats and wildlife ecosystems in its tracks and this is something nine times out of ten is completely man-made and can be stopped and real change can only come from a collective global effort.