What You Don’t Know about Planting a Vegetable Garden
It is somehow March again and many of us have been in lockdown for a full year at this point. Therefore I am sure you have found new hobbies to maximize your time indoors. If you are still looking for something new to try, why not start a vegetable garden? As long as you live in a place that has lots of sun and has a small plot of land, you can grow your own food that will pay off even when the lockdown has lifted!
So, first of all, you need to make sure that you have a suitable location. It needs to receive sunlight for at least 8 hours and not be shaded by any other plants or trees. Also, for your own ease, you probably would find it easier if it was near your hose, just so it isn’t too complex to water (as this is something you will have to keep up consistently if you want some good edible veg!). Remember that you will not always be working at home, so do not plan something that would be too unwieldy to manage once you have gone back to work or studies!Now, this step is vital but easily overlooked. You will get a lot better results in your garden if you Sketch out the general area that you want it to be located in and perhaps make a couple of copies so that you can try out a couple of ideas.In the plan, remember that some plants need more space than others! Do the research so that you can ensure that one plant isn’t suffocating another! You want to plant things that you will eat, and make sure that they will not go to waste, so do not overplant if you feel that some veg will just end up rotting. And a key tip – tall plants should go to the north to not shade other plants!When choosing the plants, don’t forget your country’s weather. Choose veg that works best when you are planting and remember that some varieties need warmer than colder environments, so you might have to start some plants indoorsNow that you have a plan for your garden, the next thing is the nutrients that they will get, namely from the soil! It is recommended to use dry soil that crumbles when being handled but ensures that the crumbled bits still have a slight stickiness to them.Get rid of any unwanted plants and weeds, you do not want them to take up the nutrients that you will be providing for your vegetables. Using compost from a compost bin or manure (if you have any available) will give the plants the best chance at thriving.As you have picked your crop, make sure you know what it all needs, whether that be more water on hotter days or more fertiliser. Check the plants for insects or diseases. It is always better to get rid of insects without pesticides if possible and get rid of any infected plant. Then, when the time comes, harvest with care and taste all that love that has been put into your own grown food!