The Easy Way To Make Decisions

Decisions affect everything. Our decisions not only affect ourselves, but others, and in fact, decisions affect our perceived . We are free to decide, but we are bound to outcomes. When decision making, the heart kindly reminds us to consider the following:

  • Who benefits from this decision?
  • Does it benefit anyone other than oneself?
  • Ego?
  • Does the decision affect others and the in a way?
  • Does your decision hurt others?

that there is no separation between you, another, and the environment, provides clarity so we can feel what benefits others, benefits me.

What benefits the environment, benefits me.

The and intent we ‘put out’ come back to us in some shape or form. Cause and effect. Attraction. Vibration.

So the next you make a decision ask yourself how many benefit and how many get hurt

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