The Best Sales Call Opening To Captivate Quickly

If you are an in sales, you will know that the most important part of a successful call or sale is the opening. how well you are able to connect and engage with your clients? For those new to sales, it takes some and . That’s normal, every sales specialist has their own unique way that works for them which they have developed and adapted as their has progressed.

It will always as goes on and you start to learn what works and what doesn’t. Don’t put yourself under pressure by expecting that you will be pitch perfect immediately as the likely hood is there is still so much knowledge that you will only know by doing it more and more.

Create Buyers and STOP selling

Remember people buy from people. They don’t buy from companies or salespeople who just want their commission and numbers. The clients know instantly within the first 20 seconds of your call whether they want to talk to you and buy from you. The tone of your , your aspiration to actually assist them and listen about their business really matters to them.


How many people actually enjoy taking an obvious uninteresting sales call who is just trying to sell you something? not many right? People no longer have the time or for sales and marketing calls so why would you introduce yourself as one? Try these.

Hello there I’m from the:


Customer Excellence Team

Make something up that you like, that suits your way of working, you feel comfortable with and most importantly immediately demonstrates that the reason you are calling them is to help their business become more successful and grow. Make it a courtesy call, not an annoying sales and marketing call that we all know very few people enjoy.

There’s a variety of common training methods available to you whether that be tutorials, videos, or role plays. As a leading sales myself, role plays don’t for me even with years of successful , because its unnecessary pressure on me and I get a sense of feeling that it’s not a naturally flowing which throws me off entirely and is totally different to my most successful client conversations.

People learn in different ways so do it in a way you can really engage with and understand. However, the best and quickest way is to dive straight in, buddy up with an experienced colleague and listen to their client conversations and use it.

Here is an opening that is known to .

”Hello, My name is……. im from the customer experience team at…..and I wanted to reach out to you as a courtesy call and as an opportunity to introduce myself to you, I’m going to be working closely with you. I wanted to see how things are going with your business at the moment and id to understand your business needs and requirements. I’d like to make sure you are getting the best with everything you have currently. I wondered if you could TELL me about what it is your business does and what it is you do, what’s your plan for the ? What would you like to get out of our call today?”

This may sound like a long winded intro but it works and lets you take the lead, It is a great way to open up your clients and gain invaluable information that is going to enable you to match them to propositions.


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