How to be Innovative – Day 3 – Get The Job Done

When we look at innovation, what do we find are the put before us? How do we find them?The simple answer is we should regularly identify or assess different problems that we come across and how it could have been done for a better or more desired outcome.

  • Was there anything missing that could have assisted you with this problem?

We face a great challenge as innovators. That challenge is the ability to understand when our consumers are unsatisfied. These challenges always provide us with information to enable us to become more innovative in our services to others.Asking simple questions in this endeavour are a perfect way to find new through our own creativities and developments. Simple questions give us valuable, sometimes unthought of , which will trigger us to become innovative.

  • Always ask in these situations, what has the frustratingly not been able to do?

We should always ask the why questions. The why questions help us to figure out what the current offerings have not been able to do to their satisfaction.

  • You could make notes of these particular situations where you have also been frustrated. What you personally would like to see to make it better?

Its important to also spend a day in the of your consumers. See what it is they do and again what they have been unable to get done through their current offerings.More to follow check out Day 4 ??❤?

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