How To Be Innovative – Day 28 – Practice Makes Perfect

No one is born perfect and no one is born as a champion. Yes, some have advantages that help them greatness but no one is born with an Olympic gold medal around their neck.
So how do become successful? Simple. Makes Perfect!The same is true for Innovation as very few innovations happen on the first attempt. Let’s take Angry Birds as an example. Three Guys started a and made 51 unsuccessful games and almost went broke, then they decide to make one more game before closing. The game in question….Angry Birds. This goes to show that makes perfect and no matter how many failures, you only need one .Failure is what leads to innovation because with each failure you learn something which you can use on your next venture and so on and so forth. The more you try and fail the more you learn, essentially the more you practice the better you become.In the there are approximately 10 million who are considered self-employed. Try to reach out and find someone either within your wider family or friends’ network to see if you can learn more from them.How can you start about innovation and practice makes perfect?Easy, start by articles about companies that have innovated and adapted their strategies and missions in order to strive for greatness. There are also many books from successful people who have achieved great things by never giving up and constantly .Another idea could be to start a focus/discussion group with either friends/family or with your colleagues. You can discuss various aspects of innovation, and entrepreneurism. The more at your disposal and the more avenues of information you give yourself the more you will learn.

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