How To Be Innovative- Day 18 – Critical Analysis

How can we learn more about our innovative ? The simple answer is test, test , test. Learn about your and innovations. what is good about them? what can be improved? Remember that is valuable. It is the only way you can truly know if your idea works. Good innovators, are always looking for new ways in which they can run tests which will eventually turn in to actionable ideas.
It sounds harder than it actually is, but it doesn’t have to be. Something as simple as a detailed spreadsheet, that estimates the income statement, balance sheet and keeps your cashflows in steady order. A new idea is a form of a new integrated and is representative of how your entire functions. Simple models and simulations, will give you valuable to identify what may or may not happen. You aren’t looking for huge mind blowing first . The objective here is to learn about the unknown. Targeted experiments are the best to and well to identify risks that can be tested directly.How do we do this?List five biggest assumptions that are behind your idea, and execute ways to learn more about those assumptions with as little expenditure as possible.Identify ways to learn more about an idea in one hour or less and action it.Have you made any recent changes? about them and what advice you would give yourself before making this . what can you learn from this advice? what can you teach yourself about the unknown unknowns and outside the box a bit more.

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