This thought-provoking book by P. D. Ouspensky delves into the depths of human psychology, exploring the potential for man’s evolution beyond the physical and mental realms. The author challenges conventional views of psychology, arguing that it fails to consider the complexity and potential of the human mind. Ouspensky presents a new framework for understanding human consciousness, suggesting that man is not a finished creation but a being in the process of evolution. He explores the idea of higher states of consciousness, the concept of ‘self-remembering’, and the potential for self-development. The book also discusses the role of esoteric schools in facilitating this evolution, emphasizing the need for a systematic and disciplined approach. Ouspensky’s work is a profound exploration of the human psyche, offering insights into the potential for personal growth and transformation. It is a must-read for those interested in psychology, spirituality, and personal development.
The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution
This book explores the idea that man is capable of further evolution, both physically and mentally. It examines the potential for man to develop higher levels of consciousness and the implications of such a transformation. Ouspensky examines the psychological and spiritual aspects of this evolution, and how it can be achieved. He also looks at the potential consequences of such a transformation, both for the individual and for society as a whole.