“Sparks of Genius” is a thought-provoking exploration of the creative process, written by Michèle Root-Bernstein and Robert Root-Bernstein. The authors, both accomplished scholars, delve into the minds of history’s most innovative thinkers, from scientists and artists to inventors and Nobel laureates, to uncover the common threads that link their creativity. The book identifies and examines 13 key “thinking tools” that these geniuses used to solve problems and generate new ideas, including observing, patterning, abstracting, body thinking, empathizing, and playing. The authors argue that these tools are not exclusive to the gifted few, but are inherent in all of us and can be nurtured and developed. They provide practical advice and exercises to help readers unlock their own creative potential. The book is a fascinating blend of biography, cognitive science, and self-help, offering valuable insights into the nature of creativity and how it can be fostered in individuals and society.
Sparks of Genius
Sparks of Genius is a book that explores the creative process of some of the world's most influential thinkers. It examines the lives of these innovators and reveals the common threads that link them together, such as their passion for their work, their ability to think outside the box, and their willingness to take risks.