This thought-provoking book explores the intricate relationship between science, order, and creativity. Co-authored by renowned physicist David Bohm, it delves into the heart of modern science, questioning its methods and assumptions, and its ability to comprehend the complex, interconnected nature of the universe. The authors argue that science’s current reliance on reductionism and its focus on parts rather than the whole, limits its capacity to generate creative, innovative ideas. They propose a new, holistic approach to scientific inquiry, one that values order and creativity equally and sees them as complementary aspects of reality, not opposing forces. The book also discusses the role of language and thought in shaping our perception of reality, and how a shift in our thinking can lead to a deeper understanding of the world and our place in it. This work is a profound exploration of the nature of reality, the limits and potential of science, and the inherent creativity of the universe. It challenges readers to rethink their assumptions and to embrace a more holistic, creative approach to understanding the world.
Science, Order, and Creativity
This book explores the relationship between science, order, and creativity. It examines the implications of the idea that the universe is an undivided whole, and that the creative process is an essential part of understanding the world. It looks at the implications of this idea for science, art, and society.