Nonzero by Robert Wright is a thought-provoking exploration of the evolution of human society and the future of mankind. Wright argues that biological evolution and cultural evolution are shaped and driven by a principle that he calls “non-zero-sumness” – the network of linked fortunes and cooperation that has guided our evolution to this point. He uses game theory (the study of how individuals make decisions) to explain how our society has become increasingly interdependent, with individuals, groups, and nations becoming more specialized and more mutually reliant. Wright asserts that this trend towards cooperation and interdependence is not only a fundamental aspect of human evolution, but also a moral direction that society should embrace. He also explores the implications of this theory for our future, suggesting that as the world becomes more interconnected, our survival may depend on embracing this trend towards mutual cooperation and understanding. The book is a blend of history, philosophy, and evolutionary biology, offering a unique perspective on the past, present, and future of human society.
Humans have evolved to be social creatures, and our success as a species is due to our ability to cooperate. Nonzero examines the history of human progress, from the earliest hunter-gatherers to the modern world, and argues that cooperation has been the driving force behind our success.