In this captivating narrative, the author recounts his spiritual journey under the guidance of a Yaqui Indian sorcerer named Don Juan Matus. The book is a fascinating exploration of ancient wisdom, shamanic practices, and the transformation of the self. The protagonist, an anthropologist, is taught to perceive the world in a radically different way, challenging his rational, Western-trained mind. Don Juan introduces him to the concepts of ‘stopping the world’ and ‘seeing’, which are central to the sorcerer’s world. The book is filled with mystical experiences and profound insights, as the author learns to shift his awareness and enter into a new, magical reality. The narrative is both a philosophical reflection and a practical guide, offering readers a glimpse into a different way of understanding the world and our place in it. The book is a compelling blend of anthropology, spirituality, and personal transformation, inviting readers to question their own perceptions and beliefs.