This groundbreaking book challenges the traditional, outdated worldview of mechanistic science and proposes a radical shift. Biocentrism, a theory developed by renowned scientists Bob Berman and Robert Lanza, posits that life and consciousness are fundamental to understanding the nature of our reality. The authors argue that our current scientific framework, which views the universe as existing independent of life, is flawed. Instead, they propose that everything we perceive and experience is a whirl of information occurring in our minds. They suggest that space and time are not the hard, cold objects we think, but are tools our mind uses to weave everything together. The book explores concepts of quantum physics, adding layers of complexity to our understanding of the universe and our place in it. It challenges readers to think deeply about the fundamental questions of life and the nature of reality. This revolutionary theory could have profound implications for our understanding of the nature of reality and our relationship to the cosmos.
Biocentrism is a revolutionary new theory of the universe that sees biology as the central driving science in the universe, and an understanding of the nature of life as the key to unlocking the true nature of the cosmos. It suggests that life and biology are central to reality, and that the physical world is a product of biological processes.